Interior Property Cleanup Services


Roxy’s Home Services offers experienced, professional, and affordable interior cleanup services for residential, commercial, and strata buildings. These services include:

  • Estate cleanups
  • Cleanups in preparation for the sale of property
  • Downsizing cleanups
  • Hoarding cleanups
  • Rental property cleanups
  • Commercial property renovation cleanups
  • Other interior cleanups

Please contact us at 604-263-7283 or if you have any question or comments regarding our interior property cleanup services.

Storage unit cleanup and organization (before)
Storage unit cleanup and organization (after)
Move out cleanup and detailing - Shower (before - left, after - right)
Move out cleanup and detailing - Window tracks and frame (before - left, after - right)
Move out cleanup and detailing - Oven (before - top, after - bottom)
Move out cleanup and detailing - Before carpet cleaning
Move out cleanup and detailing - After carpet cleaning
Final results of move out cleanup and detailing - kitchen, living room, and bathroom
Interior Property Cleanup (before)
Interior Property Cleanup (after)
Interior property cleanup (before)
Interior property cleanup (after)
Interior property cleanup (before)
Interior property cleanup (after)
Interior property cleanup (before)
Interior property cleanup (after)
Interior property cleanup (before)
Interior property cleanup (after)
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